MySQL ERROR 1410: You Are Not Allowed to Create a User with GRANT

MySQL ERROR 1410, commonly encountered as ERROR 1410 (42000): You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT, occurs when a user attempts to create another user with administrative privileges but lacks the required permissions. This error is primarily related to improper use of the GRANT statement, inadequate privileges, or changes in MySQL‘s user management policies.

This documentation explains the causes of MySQL ERROR 1410, provides detailed troubleshooting steps, and outlines best practices to avoid similar issues in the future.


  • Cause: The user issuing the GRANT statement does not have sufficient privileges to assign the specified privileges or create users with administrative rights.
  • MySQL 8.0 and later: Starting MySQL 8.0 onwards, it is no longer possible to create a user directly from the GRANT command. The user must be created first before GRANTing privileges.
  • Solution: Ensure the issuing user has the CREATE USER and GRANT OPTION privileges, and verify the MySQL version’s privilege requirements.
  • Example Fix:

For MySQL 8.0+:

Understanding MySQL ERROR 1410

In MySQL, user privileges and roles are managed using the GRANT statement. ERROR 1410 is raised when a user without the GRANT OPTION privilege attempts to assign privileges to another user. This restriction prevents privilege escalation and enhances database security.

Causes of MySQL ERROR 1410

  1. Changes in MySQL Version:
    • MySQL 8.0 introduced enhanced privilege management, making older practices incompatible or restricted.
  2. Insufficient Privileges:
    • The user executing the GRANT statement does not have the GRANT OPTION privilege or lacks sufficient privileges to create new users.
  3. Misconfigured Privilege Hierarchy:
    • MySQL enforces strict privilege checks to ensure that only users with appropriate roles can delegate privileges.

Steps to Troubleshoot MySQL ERROR 1410

Use the CREATE USER Command Separately

In MySQL 8.0 and later, creating users and assigning privileges are often handled as separate operations.


Verify the Privileges of the Current User

Check the privileges assigned to the user executing the GRANT statement.


Example Output:

Ensure the user has the CREATE USER and GRANT OPTION privileges.

Assign Necessary Privileges

If the user lacks privileges, assign the required permissions using a privileged account.

Example Command:

After granting privileges, flush the privileges table to apply changes:

Example Scenarios

1: Fixing Privilege Escalation Errors

Issue: A non-privileged user attempts to grant access to a new user.

Fix: Log in as a privileged user and grant appropriate permissions:

2: Migrating to MySQL 8.0

Issue: The GRANT statement fails after upgrading to MySQL 8.0.

Fix: Modify the workflow to separate user creation and privilege assignment:

Common Issues and Troubleshooting MySQL ERROR 1410

Cannot Grant Global Privileges:

  • Ensure the user has GRANT OPTION and SUPER privileges for global-level grants.


  • Forgetting to flush privileges may cause privileges not to take effect immediately.

Role Mismanagement:

  • Improper role assignments may restrict privileges unintentionally.

  1. MySQL Documentation: GRANT Syntax
  2. MySQL Blog: Managing User Privileges
  3. MySQL Documentation: CREATE USER Syntax
  4. MySQL Blog: How to grant privileges to users in MySQL 8.0

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