Kafka Reassign Partitions
Reassign partitions in Kafka for better cluster performance and load balancing. Use the Kafka kafka-reassign-partitions tool or Admin API.

Kafka Controller and Broker Election Process
Learn how the Kafka Controller and Broker election process works, including leader election, responsibilities, and best practices for managing a Kafka cluster.

Kafka Partition Limits
Kafka's partition limits, their implications on performance and scalability, and best practices to optimize partition usage.

Kafka Reduce Partitions: Why It’s Not Allowed and How to Work Around It
Why Kafka doesn't allow partition reduction, the guarantees it upholds, and alternative approaches for reducing partitions without data loss.

Monitoring Kafka Partitions
Monitor Kafka partitions, critical metrics to track, and tools and best practices to ensure the smooth operation of your Kafka cluster.

Kafka Consumers and Partitions: Why Can’t You Have More Consumers Than Partitions?
Kafka Consumers and Partitions: Why does Kafka limit consumer instances to partitions? Understand and get tips to optimize your Kafka setup.

Increase Partitions for a Kafka Topic
Apache Kafka is a popular distributed...