Kubernetes Pod Scheduling: Taints, Tolerations, and Node Affinity Explained
In this post, I'll explain key concepts of Kubernetes Pod Scheduling, such as taints, tolerations, and node affinity.
Kubernetes at 10: A Decade of Innovation and Growth
As Kubernetes celebrates ten years, let's look back at its groundbreaking innovations and relentless growth history.
Kubernetes Service Types: ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer
Choosing the right Kubernetes service type depends on specific needs. Understand ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer and their use cases.
How to Restart Kubernetes Pods with Kubectl
In this guide, I'll show you how to restart Kubernetes pods using different methods while ensuring your applications run without disruption.
Understanding ndots in DNS Configurations
In DNS configurations, ndots determine how domain names are processed based on the number of dots (.) they contain.
Understanding the Canary Deployment Strategy in Kubernetes
A canary deployment strategy involves releasing updates to a small subset of users before rolling out the changes to the entire user base.
Which Kubernetes apiVersion Should You Use?
Learn everything you need to know about Kubernetes apiVersions for you objects with our ultimate guide: The best guide you'll ever need.
What are minions in Kubernetes?
While "minions" is an older term, "worker nodes" is the more current and commonly used term in Kubernetes documentation and discussions.
How to Get a List of Jobs Created by ScaledJob in Kubernetes
Get a list of jobs created by ScaledJobs, which are dynamically created by Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler (KEDA).