What is log compaction in Kafka?
Log compaction in Kafka is a mechanism that ensures the most recent value for each key within a Kafka topic is retained.
Change where Kafka Server logs are stored
Kafka Broker logs are invaluable for troubleshooting issues in the Kafka cluster. Learn how to change where the broker writes its logs.
Increase Partitions for a Kafka Topic
Apache Kafka is a popular distributed...
Describe Kafka Consumer Groups – Command and Steps
Describing Kafka consumers lets you gain valuable insights into the group's state and identify lags or issues.
Understanding and Managing Failed Partitions in Kafka
When Kafka detects any issue with the replication process, it marks the partition as Failed. Let's see how to detect them and take action.
Creating Kafka Topics: Examples and Syntax
Creating Kafka Topics: Learn how to create Kafka Topics with Syntax, Examples, and Advanced Configurations.
Kafka Topic Naming Conventions: Best Practices
Kafka Topic Naming Conventions have been one of the hotly debated topics. Read some of the best practices in naming Kafka Topics.