How to Override the CMD in a Docker Run Command

How to Override the CMD in a Docker Run Command

If you work with Docker, you’ve probably encountered the CMD instruction in a Dockerfile. It’s a way to specify the default behavior of a container. But what if you need to override the CMD at runtime? Don’t worry—Docker makes it easy to customize a container’s behavior without modifying its image.

In this article, I’ll explain what CMD does, why you might want to override it, and how to do so effectively using the docker run command.

What Is CMD in a Dockerfile?

The CMD instruction in a Dockerfile defines the default command that runs when a container is started. For example:

When you build and run a container from this image, it will print “Hello, World!” by default. The CMD instruction can be specified in two main ways:

  1. Exec Form: A JSON array, like this:
    CMD ["echo", "Hello, World!"]
    This is preferred because it directly executes the command without using a shell.
  2. Shell Form: A string, like this:
    CMD echo "Hello, World!"
    This form uses a shell (e.g., /bin/sh -c) to execute the command, which can introduce additional layers of complexity.

The key point is that CMD is the fallback command—it will only execute if no other command is specified when the container starts.

Why Override Docker’s CMD at Runtime?

While the CMD instruction sets a useful default, there are situations where you’ll want to override it without modifying the Dockerfile or rebuilding the image:

  • Testing: You might need to run a different script or utility to debug an issue.
  • Customization: Your container may need to execute different commands depending on the environment.
  • Flexibility: You might want to reuse the same image for multiple tasks by specifying different commands.

For example, an Nginx container might default to running the web server, but you could override it to execute a shell for troubleshooting:

How to Override CMD with docker run

Overriding the CMD is as simple as appending your desired command to the docker run command. Let’s look at some examples:

1. Running a Shell

Imagine you have a container that defaults to running a Python script, but you want to start an interactive shell instead:

Here, bash replaces the default CMD set in the Python image, and the container starts with an interactive shell.

2. Running a Custom Command

You can replace the default CMD with any other command by specifying it at the end of docker run. For example:

In this case, the container runs ls -l instead of the default CMD specified in the Ubuntu image.

3. Passing Arguments

Sometimes, you might need to pass arguments to your custom command. Docker handles this seamlessly:

Here, echo "Custom Message" overrides the default CMD, and the container prints “Custom Message.”


It’s important to understand the relationship between CMD and ENTRYPOINT. While CMD specifies the default command, ENTRYPOINT defines the executable that runs when the container starts. When both are used, CMD provides default arguments to the ENTRYPOINT.

For example:

When you run this container, it will execute echo "Hello, World!". But you can override the CMD by providing new arguments:

This results in echo "Overridden Message". To override both ENTRYPOINT and CMD, use the --entrypoint flag:

Best Practices for Overriding CMD

  • Use Overrides Sparingly: If you frequently override CMD, consider whether your use case requires a different image or an updated Dockerfile.
  • Document Custom Commands: If you’re working in a team, make sure to document the commands and arguments commonly used for your containers.
  • Leverage ENTRYPOINT: Use ENTRYPOINT for fixed executables and CMD for default arguments to allow more flexibility.

Wrapping Up

Overriding the CMD in a docker run command gives you flexibility and control without requiring image modifications. So the next time you spin up a container and need it to do something other than its default behavior, remember—a simple tweak to the docker run command is all it takes!


  1. Docker: Overriding container defaults
  2. Stack Overflow: How to Override the CMD Command in the Docker Run Line

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