How to Drain a Node in Kubernetes
How to drain a node in Kubernetes and take it offline for maintenance, upgrades or for decommissioning. Easy step-by-step guide.

Describe Kafka Consumer Groups – Command and Steps
Describing Kafka consumers lets you gain valuable insights into the group's state and identify lags or issues.

Install Redis on Ubuntu Manually
Install Redis on Ubuntu manually with this guide. Learn to download, build, and configure Redis step-by-step.

Download SSL Certificates from Website for Local Verification
Securing data exchanged over the internet...

lslogins Command Overview
The lslogins command provides detailed information about user accounts on a Linux system. It displays data about users, including last login times, account statuses, and group memberships.

Kafka Consumer Offset: Understanding Offset Management in Kafka
Learn about Kafka consumer offset management, offset reset policies, and data retention. Understanding Offset Management in Kafka.

Understanding and Managing Failed Partitions in Kafka
When Kafka detects any issue with the replication process, it marks the partition as Failed. Let's see how to detect them and take action.

Kafka Active Segment Deletion: When and How It Happens
How does Kafka manage active segment deletion and enforce retention policies, even for idle segments? Read more to find out.

How to delete evicted pods in Kuberenetes
Evicted pods can still consume resources like PVCs, disk space on etcd, IP addresses & ConfigMaps. Let's learn how to delete evicted pods.