Understanding and Managing Failed Partitions in Kafka
When Kafka detects any issue with the replication process, it marks the partition as Failed. Let's see how to detect them and take action.

Kafka Active Segment Deletion: When and How It Happens
How does Kafka manage active segment deletion and enforce retention policies, even for idle segments? Read more to find out.

Reset Kafka Offsets For a Partition: Quick and Easy
Learn how to Kafka consumer group's offsets for a partition. Understand how to identify the right offset and the commands to reset them.

Creating Kafka Topics: Examples and Syntax
Creating Kafka Topics: Learn how to create Kafka Topics with Syntax, Examples, and Advanced Configurations.

Reset Kafka Offsets: A step-by-step guide
Learn how to reset Kafka offsets of consumer groups. Understand how to identify the right offset and the commands to reset them.

Kafka Topic Naming Conventions: Best Practices
Kafka Topic Naming Conventions have been one of the hotly debated topics. Read some of the best practices in naming Kafka Topics.