Zookeeper vs kRaft: Understanding the Differences for Apache Kafka
Compare Zookeeper vs kRaft in Apache Kafka. Learn their differences, features, and benefits to choose the best for your Kafka deployment.
Rack-Aware Partition Assignment for Kafka Consumers: KIP-881 Explained
Learn about rack-aware partition assignment in Kafka with KIP-881. Reduce cross-rack traffic, and improve fault tolerance and resource usage.
Kafka Reassign Partitions
Reassign partitions in Kafka for better cluster performance and load balancing. Use the Kafka kafka-reassign-partitions tool or Admin API.
Kafka Controller and Broker Election Process
Learn how the Kafka Controller and Broker election process works, including leader election, responsibilities, and best practices for managing a Kafka cluster.
Kafka Partition Limits
Kafka's partition limits, their implications on performance and scalability, and best practices to optimize partition usage.
Kafka Reduce Partitions: Why It’s Not Allowed and How to Work Around It
Why Kafka doesn't allow partition reduction, the guarantees it upholds, and alternative approaches for reducing partitions without data loss.
Kafka Consumer Configurations: How Kafka message consumption works
Kafka consumer configurations max.poll.records, fetch.min.bytes, and max.partition.fetch.bytes control the number of messages fetched in a single poll.
min.insync.replicas in Apache Kafka
Learn about min.insync.replicas in Apache Kafka, its role in ensuring durability, and its impact on message delivery guarantees.
List Kafka Topics
List topics in Apache Kafka using CLI tools like kafka-topics.sh and programmatic methods. Commands, configurations, and best practices.