Monitoring Kafka Partitions
Monitor Kafka partitions, critical metrics to track, and tools and best practices to ensure the smooth operation of your Kafka cluster.

Substrings in Bash: A Comprehensive Guide
Extract and manipulate substrings in Bash with examples. Bash is a powerful shell scripting language used across Linux and Unix systems.

How to Save and Exit Nano in Terminal
Learn how to save and exit Nano in the terminal. The Nano text editor is a popular, user-friendly command-line text editor for Linux.

Changing the Default Bash Prompt in Linux
In Linux, the default Bash prompt is defined by the PS1 environment variable. Change the default Bash prompt in Linux using the PS1 variable.

How to Count Messages in a Kafka Topic Using kafka-run-class.sh
Steps for counting messages in a Kafka topic using the kafka-run-class.sh command-line tool. Monitor how many messages are stored in a topic.

How to Copy Text from Vim to an External Program
Learn how to copy text from Vim to external programs using clipboard options and terminal commands.

Install Redis on Ubuntu
Learn how to install Redis on Ubuntu with this easy guide. Set up, configure, and secure Redis in minutes!

Install Apache on Ubuntu
Install Apache on Ubuntu with this simple, step-by-step guide. Learn how to set up your web server in minutes.

How to Install Pip on Python – Online and Offline
Pip is an essential tool for managing Python packages, and in this blog, I'll walk you through how to install pip on Python.