What’s the Default Value for min.insync.replicas in Apache Kafka?
The default value for min.insync.replicas in Apache Kafka is 1. This means Kafka requires only one replica to acknowledge a write

Kafka retention.ms: How Kafka Decides How Long to Keep Your Data
Learn about Kafka retention.ms, how it controls data retention in topics, and best practices for managing Kafka storage efficiently.

How Kafka Handles Offsets
How Kafka handles offsets to track message processing, ensure reliability, and scale your applications seamlessly.

Kafka Idempotent Producer: Exactly-Once Message Delivery
In distributed systems, things can go wrong. The Kafka Idempotent Producer ensures exactly-once delivery within a partition.

Kafka Reassign Partitions
Reassign partitions in Kafka for better cluster performance and load balancing. Use the Kafka kafka-reassign-partitions tool or Admin API.

Kafka Controller and Broker Election Process
Learn how the Kafka Controller and Broker election process works, including leader election, responsibilities, and best practices for managing a Kafka cluster.

Kafka Reduce Partitions: Why It’s Not Allowed and How to Work Around It
Why Kafka doesn't allow partition reduction, the guarantees it upholds, and alternative approaches for reducing partitions without data loss.

How to Count Messages in a Kafka Topic Using kafka-run-class.sh
Steps for counting messages in a Kafka topic using the kafka-run-class.sh command-line tool. Monitor how many messages are stored in a topic.

Optimizing Kafka Records Batching for Better Performance and Throughput
Fine-tune Kafka batch processing to increase throughput, lower latency, and make better use of system resources.