Copy Text from Vim to External Program

How to Copy Text from Vim to an External Program

Copying text from Vim to an external program can be a bit challenging if you’re unfamiliar with clipboard options and terminal-specific behaviors. This article explains how to efficiently copy text from Vim, covering methods that utilize system clipboards, terminal shortcuts, and the best practices to ensure smooth operation.

Pre-Requisites for Clipboard Integration

Before proceeding, verify if your Vim installation supports clipboard operations by running:

If you see +clipboard, your Vim is configured to interact with the system clipboard. If not, you may need to install a version of Vim compiled with clipboard support (e.g., vim-gtk or vim-gnome).

Method 1: Using "+ or "* Registers for Clipboard Access

Vim provides two primary registers to interact with the system clipboard:

  • "+: The clipboard register, used for copying and pasting via the system clipboard.
  • "*: The primary selection register, commonly used in X11 systems for middle-click pasting.

Copying Text to Clipboard

Step 1: Enter Visual Mode by pressing the v keyboard key:

Use arrow keys or hjkl to highlight the text.

Step 2: Copy the selection to the clipboard:


Alternatively, copy to the primary selection:

Pasting from Clipboard into Vim

Step 1: Place the cursor where you want to insert the text.

Step 2: Paste using the clipboard register:

Or paste using the primary selection:

Method 2: Using Mouse Selections in Terminals

If Vim runs inside a terminal that supports mouse interactions (e.g., xterm, gnome-terminal), you can use the mouse to copy and paste text.

Copying with Mouse

  1. Press and hold the Shift key.
  2. Drag the mouse to select the desired text.
  3. The text will be copied to the system clipboard automatically.

Pasting with Mouse

  1. Place the cursor where you want the text.
  2. Use a middle-click or right-click and select Paste to insert the text.

Method 3: Redirect Output to a File

If clipboard integration isn’t available, you can save the selected text to a file and access it externally.


1: Highlight the desired text in Visual Mode.

2: Save the selection to a file:

3: Open the file in another program:

Common Challenges and Solutions

  1. Clipboard Not Working in Vim: Ensure your Vim installation supports +clipboard. Use a version like vim-gtk or vim-gnome on Linux.
  2. Putty or Remote Sessions: In remote sessions, clipboard access might not work. Use tools like ssh with X11 forwarding or copy text to local files for transfer.
  3. Conflicts with Terminal Multiplexers: If using tmux or screen, ensure clipboard integration is configured correctly or use the mouse selection method.

Best Practices

1. Enable Clipboard-Friendly Vim Versions: Install vim-gtk, vim-gnome, or equivalent to ensure clipboard functionality.

2. Use Clipboard Aliases: Map frequently used clipboard commands in your .vimrc:

3. Combine with Shell Commands: Use tools like xclip, pbcopy, or xsel for seamless text transfers.

  1. Vim Tips Wiki: Copy, cut and paste
  2. Unix Stack Exchange: Copy Text from Vim to External Program

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