Undo Git Add Before Commit

Undo ‘git add’ before commit [Solved]

Accidentally staged files with git add that you don’t want to commit? No worries! Here’s how to undo git add actions in Git.

TL;DR: Undo git add before committing

If you added files to the staging area with git add and want to remove them before committing, use:

  • git restore --staged for individual files.
  • git reset to unstage all changes.

Unstage Individual Files

To remove a specific file from the staging area, use:


Suppose you’ve added example.txt to the staging area and want to unstage it. Run:

This command keeps the changes in your working directory but removes them from the staging area.

Unstage All Files

To remove all staged files, run:


If you added multiple files and need a clean slate, simply execute:

This command unstages all changes, allowing you to review and selectively re-add files.

Understanding the Commands

  • git restore --staged : This command removes the specified file from the staging area while keeping changes in your working directory.
  • git reset: Unlike git restore, git reset targets all files, clearing the entire staging area in one go.

Additional Tips for Undoing git add Before Commit

  1. For Older Git Versions: If your Git version is older than 2.23, you might need to use git reset instead of git restore --staged .
  2. Verify the Changes: Run git status after using either command to ensure the files are unstaged as intended.
  3. Use git diff to check differences between your working directory and the last commit, helping you review unstaged changes.

With these commands, you can quickly undo git add before committing, whether you need to unstage a single file or the entire staging area. Knowing these commands can help prevent unintended files from slipping into your commits, keeping your Git history clean and focused.

Further reading

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