How to Customize Git Prompts in the Bash Prompt

How to Customize Git Prompts in the Bash Prompt

Customizing the Bash prompt to display Git information is a powerful way to improve your command-line workflow. By integrating Git branch names, statuses, and other repository details into the Bash prompt, you can streamline your development process and always be aware of the state of your repository. This article explains how to customize Git prompts in Bash, with examples and best practices.


To add Git information to your Bash prompt:

1. Source the script in your .bashrc file.

2. Customize the PS1 variable to include the __git_ps1 function:

3. Reload your Bash configuration:

Download the commands and script

Git Prompts in Bash

A Git-enabled Bash prompt typically displays the current branch name and its status. This is achieved using the script, which provides the __git_ps1 function. This function dynamically updates the prompt based on the repository state.


user@hostname ~/project (main)$


  • main is the current branch.
  • The prompt updates automatically when you switch branches or make changes.

Step-by-Step: Adding Git Information to the Bash Prompt

1. Ensure Git is Installed

Verify Git is installed on your system:

If not installed, follow the Git installation guide.

2. Source the Script

The script is typically included with Git installations. It provides the __git_ps1 function for displaying Git status in the prompt.

Locate the Script: Common locations include:

  • /usr/share/git-core/contrib/completion/
  • /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/

Source the Script: Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file:

If the script is not available, you can download it from GitHub.

3. Customize the PS1 Variable

Modify the PS1 variable in your ~/.bashrc file to include the __git_ps1 function.

Basic Prompt with Git Branch:


  • \u: Displays the username.
  • \h: Displays the hostname.
  • \w: Displays the current working directory.
  • $(__git_ps1 " (%s)"): Adds the Git branch name in parentheses.
  • \$: Displays # for root and $ for non-root users.

Example Output:

4. Add Git Status Indicators

To include additional information like untracked changes or staged files, use the __git_ps1 function with options.

Prompt with Status Indicators:


  • %s: Adds indicators for repository status, such as:
    • +: Staged changes.
    • *: Unstaged changes.
    • ?: Untracked files.

Example Output:

This indicates that the main branch has unstaged changes.

Testing and Debugging

After modifying the ~/.bashrc file, reload the configuration:

If the prompt doesn’t update:

  1. Verify the path to is correct.
  2. Ensure the PS1 syntax is free of typos.
  3. Test the __git_ps1 function directly:

Advanced Customization

Add Colors to the Prompt

You can add colors for better visibility using ANSI escape codes.


  • \033[1;34m: Blue for username and hostname.
  • \033[1;32m: Green for the working directory.
  • \033[1;31m: Red for the Git branch.

Include Virtual Environment Information

If you work with Python virtual environments, you can prepend the environment name to the prompt:

  1. Customize Git Prompts in Bash
  2. Git Prompt Documentation
  3. GNU Bash Manual
  4. GitHub:
  5. ArchLinux: Bash/Prompt customization

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