Count Messages in Kafka Topic

How to Count Messages in a Kafka Topic Using

When managing Apache Kafka, you may run into a scenario to monitor how many messages are stored in a topic. Although Kafka doesn’t provide a direct command to count messages, you can achieve this using the script and the utility. This guide explains the steps for counting messages in a Kafka topic, including detailed examples.


Before you begin, ensure the following:

  1. Kafka Installation: Kafka must be installed and running on your system.
  2. Zookeeper/Broker Access: You need access to the Kafka broker or Zookeeper server.
  3. Kafka Environment Configured: The environment variable KAFKA_HOME should point to your Kafka installation directory.

Steps to Count Messages in a Kafka Topic

Understand the GetOffsetShell Tool

The utility fetches the latest and earliest offsets for each partition of a Kafka topic. By subtracting the earliest offset from the latest offset for each partition, you can determine the number of messages stored.

Run the GetOffsetShell Command

The script executes the GetOffsetShell utility. Here’s the basic syntax:

  • --broker-list: Specifies the list of Kafka brokers (e.g., broker1:9092,broker2:9092).
  • --topic: Specifies the Kafka topic to analyze.

Retrieve Earliest and Latest Offsets

Run the command twice—once for the earliest offsets and once for the latest offsets:

1. Fetch Earliest Offsets:

Info: The --time -2 command retrieves the first offset (earliest message) available in each partition.


This output indicates that partitions 0 and 1 both start at offset 0.

2. Fetch Latest Offsets:

Info: The --time -1 command fetches the latest offset, which represents the next position for new messages in the log.


This output indicates that partition 0 ends at offset 500 and partition 1 ends at offset 600.

4. Calculate the Total Message Count

For each partition, subtract the earliest offset from the latest offset and sum the results:

  • Partition 0: 500 - 0 = 500
  • Partition 1: 600 - 0 = 600

Total Messages:

Combining Steps in a Script

To simplify the process, you can create a script that automates these calculations:

Save this script as and run it to quickly count messages in a topic.

Understanding the --time Parameter

The --time parameter specifies which offsets to fetch:

  • --time -2: Fetches the earliest available offset in the log for each partition.
  • --time -1: Fetches the latest offset, which represents the next position for new messages in the log.

  1. Apache Kafka Documentation: Tools
  2. Apache Kafka GitHub Repository

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